Alumni members chat with each other during our Department's annual alumni event.


Giving to our general fund supports many activities in chemistry including graduate and undergraduate student scholarships and support, faculty development, travel grants, newsletters and alumni outreach, alumni gatherings, and special initiatives.

Give to KU Chemistry

Give to the George and Beverley Wilson International Graduate Student Support Fund

The George and Beverley Wilson International Graduate Student Support Fund provides financial support for international graduate students through awards and scholarships, summer stipends and tuition, and travel to professional meetings.


Give to the Richard S. Givens Chair in Chemistry Fund

This endowed Chair in Chemistry recognizes outstanding performance in research, teaching, and service by a faculty member. During their 3-year term, the awardee holds the title of Richard S. Givens Chair in Chemistry and receives $15,000/year in research support generated from this fund. Once donations result in a sufficient endowment, this Chair will be elevated to the Distinguished Professor level and a national search for a permanent Richard S. Givens Chair in Chemistry will be conducted.

Richard S. Givens

Give to the Daryle Busch Distinguished Professorship Fund

The Daryle H. Busch Distinguished Professorship will be an endowed position funded through the income generated from the Daryle H. Busch Distinguished Professorship endowment fund. To realize this goal, the invested balance for this fund must reach an appropriate level (approximately $2 million), at which point the Department of Chemistry will initiate procedures to establish the Distinguished Professorship.

Daryle Busch

Give to the Theodore "Ted" Kuwana Chair in Chemistry Fund

This endowed Chair in Chemistry recognizes outstanding performance in research, teaching, and service by a faculty member. During their 3-year term, the awardee holds the title of Theodore Kuwana Chair in Chemistry and receives $15,000/year in research support generated from this fund. Once donations result in a sufficient endowment, this Chair will be elevated to the Distinguished Professor level and a national search for a permanent Theodore Kuwana Chair in Chemistry will be conducted.

Ted Kuwana

Give to the Don Leedy and Ted Kuwana Bioanalytical Initiative Fund

Named in honor of Don Leedy (Ph.D. with Ralph Adams in 1968) and Prof. Ted Kuwana (Distinguished Professor in Chemistry, 1985 to 2002) this fund supports the annual Ralph Adams Lectureship and travel grants for our analytical graduate students.

Don Leedy and Ted Kuwana

Give to the Clark Bricker Chemistry Scholars Fund

The Bricker ChemScholars program supports outstanding students entering our program. Students are guaranteed $2000/year in support for 4-years as long as they remain chemistry majors in good standing. We currently have funds sufficient to support 8 students at any one time in the program (2 per year). Donations into this fund will enable us to expand the program - increasing the number of students involved and the level of their support.

Clark Bricker

Give to the J.K. Lee Memorial Fund

Donations into this fund will help support and expand our graduate summer scholars program. Initiated in the summer of 2021, this program provides a stipend, tuition, and fees to support outstanding graduate students over the summer months. This enables our students to concentrate on their research endeavors while recognizing their contributions to the department and our program.

JK Lee

Give to the Dick and Barbara Schowen Opportunity Fund

Named in honor of Professors Dick and Barbara Schowen, this fund provides support for the Richard L. Schowen Lecture in Bioorganic Chemistry, support for the Richard L. and K. Barbara Schowen Graduate Scholars, and Faculty Enhancement Awards to support new faculty early in their careers.

Barbara Schowen and Dick Schowen

Give to the Higuchi Chemistry Fund

This fund provides support for a number of programs in chemistry. It provides awards for outstanding graduate students, support for graduate summer scholars, faculty enhancement funds, and alumni outreach support.

Higuchi Chemistry Fund

While the pandemic has changed the way KU delivers a world-class education, our Chemistry students and faculty continue to passionately pursue their goals to advance discovery and change the world. Your support of KU Chemistry is always needed, but even more important right now.

Scholarship support helps make a KU degree possible for chemistry students. Support for research advances great ideas and helps find answers to complex questions. Faculty support provides a lift for those working hard to teach, mentor, and do research in an exceptionally difficult budget environment. We welcome your support of the department and appreciate your investment in KU Chemistry. 

Through your support, we are able to maintain and support the following activities: 

  • Incentives to attract the very best students 
  • Summer support for incoming students 
  • Support to attend conferences 
  • Awards recognizing achievement 
  • Support for graduate student recruiting 
  • Professional development programs 
  • Summer research support (REU) 
  • CHEM SCHOLARS program 
  • Awards recognizing student achievement 
  • Over 20 different scholarship programs 
  • Support to attend conferences 
  • Named professorships
  • Matching funds for grant proposals 
  • New faculty support 
  • Infrastructure support 
  • Support for conference attendance 
  • Collaborative projects & new initiatives
  • Community outreach 
  • Carnival of chemistry 
  • Named lectureships 
  • Alumni outreach 
  • Special events and local conferences