
Our Vision:
To grow into a top Department of Chemistry in the United States and extend our impact by translating our scientific advances to enhance the social and economic wellbeing of our fellow Kansans and the world. We will accomplish this by excelling at research, teaching and service.
As a worldwide leader in training and research in chemistry, the Department of Chemistry at KU is highly interdisciplinary in nature, spanning research in: Organometallic, Materials, Environmental, Surface, Bioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical, Bioanalytical,Computational & Theoretical, Synthetic, Combinatorial, and "Green" Chemistry as well as Photochemistry, NMR, Laser spectroscopy, and Polymers.
Highly Qualified Faculty, Highly Motivated Students
Our highly recognized faculty consist of twenty-nine (29) active faculty including five distinguished professors. The faculty occupy two different buildings; Integrated Science Building (ISB) and the new Multidisciplinary Research Building (MRB) on the west campus. The number of graduate students continues to increase with current enrollment at 105 and 220 undergraduates; the department usually has about 45 postdoctoral researchers. Many other students pursue graduate degrees in related areas of medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and geochemistry, making a community of more than 350 chemistry-oriented research students.
Equipment and Facilities at the Cutting Edge
Breaking ground with new facilities is the Ralph N. Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry, an interdisciplinary consortium of researchers dedicated to achieving international leadership in Bioanalytical Science by fostering the highest quality research and education in the field of Bioanalytical Chemistry. Institute researchers, including the director, Susan M. Lunte, develop and use state of the art sampling, separation, detection and characterization techniques to promote our understanding of fundamental life processes and to increase our knowledge of how to intervene in those processes to regulate biological function and restore health.
Support to achieve your goals
Always striving to provide the best possible opportunities for our students, new facilities and equipment are being acquired at an amazing pace and our faculty and staff focus on providing a most rewarding and educational environment to help students achieve their goals. Research support facilities include the: Biochemical Research Service Laboratory Instrumentation Design Laboratory Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Molecular Graphics and Modeling Laboratory Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory X-ray Crystallography Laboratory Glassblowing and Instrument Shops Anschutz Library contains more than 300,000 books and periodicals spanning the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, geology, and pharmacy.