Chemistry Staff Duties - updated Spring 2024

CategoryNameEmail PhoneJob DutiesTitleDepartment 
IT Support
(8am-5pm M-F)
John Clune, Mercedes Alcorn & Alan Feltztsc_chem@ku.edu785-864-5005Technology support center for Chemistry & PhysicsIT Support Coordinator
& Technicians
IT Support
(after hours)
Customer Service Centeritcsc@ku.edu785-864-8080  KU IT
Classroom IT Support  785-864-1200   
Administrative Associate & REU Program AdministratorStephanie Chamberlainschamberlain@ku.edu785-864-3902Classroom reservation requests; Printing and Copying requests; MFD (i.e. copiers) maintenance; Shred-It; REU Program; Chemistry Dept. seminars; seminar reimbursements; annual capital inventory (<$5000 items); poster printing; answer main department phone; back up for email; maintains p-cards (UKANS & KURES)Administrative AssociateChemistry

Administrative Associate - Scheduling Officer & Undergraduate Affairs Administrator
Lindsey Roelindseyp@ku.edu785-864-4160UG Affairs Administrator; Scheduling Officer; Academic misconduct; permission numbers; poster printing; FedEx; UG research & ChemScholars program; answers email account; annual Awards & Scholarships Ceremony; maintains p-card (UKANS); annual Holiday PartyAdministrative AssociateChemistry
Office ManagerAngie Erdley 785-864-6749Assistant to Chair; communications - website ( and social media; sabbaticals; faculty evaluations (P&T, annual reviews, etc.); annual WebSpace survey; annual surveys (MASUA, ACS, etc.); budget - ordering supplies, invoices, maintains p-cards (both UKANS & KURES); poster printing invoicing; safety; academic year calendar; supervision of Administrative Associates & Communications Student Assistant; alumni board (CAAB); annual Awards & Scholarships CeremonyOffice ManagerChemistry
Chemistry ChairTim Jacksontaj@ku.edu785-864-4673  785-864-3968Budget; KUEA; faculty and department issues; grievancesChair & ProfessorChemistry
Graduate Students Avery Meadowsaimeadows@ku.edu785-864-20693G appointments (GTA & GRA appointments); Graduate Recruiting & Admissions; Graduate Students Awards & Scholarships; Graduate course catalog; Main support for all PhD & MS students; poster printing; annual Awards & Scholarships CeremonyGraduate Program Coordinator COGA
Undergraduate StudentsNathan Swanknswank@ku.edu785-864-7448Advisor for all chemistry BA, BS and minors; contact for prospective majors Undergraduate Advisor CASS
Undergraduate LabsJason Applegatej627a928@ku.edu785-864-3481Undergrad Chemistry lab issuesDirector of LaboratoriesChemistry
Course DemosJill Headrickheadrick@ku.edu785-864-3677Demonstrations for chemistry coursesLaboratory Program DirectorChemistry
Organic LabsMary Beth Cartermarybethcarter@ku.edu785-864-1574Organic Chemistry lab issuesDirector of LaboratoriesChemistry
Analytical & Physical LabsTravis Wittetmwitte@ku.edu785-864-3903Analytical & Physical Chemistry lab issuesDirector of LaboratoriesChemistry
FinanceJin Sunjinsun@ku.edu785-864-6824 Budget and Reports for Chemistry; Budget and Reports for ISB/GL Storeroom; Financial AnalystCLAS Dean
FinanceRick Huettenmuellerrhuettenmueller@ku.edu785-864-4271 Purchase order requests;  p-card accounting; FedEx, UPS and other shipping accounts;   Travel requests & reimbursements;  invoice payments; general questions about placing an order, funds, travel, GRF, F&A, etc.Accounting SpecialistStrong Hall SSC
FinanceChris Andersoncander926@ku.edu785-864-2378Purchase order requests;  p-card accounting; FedEx, UPS and other shipping accounts;   Travel requests & reimbursements;  invoice payments; general questions about placing an order, funds, travel, GRF, F&A, etc.Accounting SpecialistStrong Hall SSC
Grant Administration
Find your KUCR pre-award & post-award support staff here: Setup, Modifications and Adjustments;  Allowability Review and Expenditures; Award Monitoring; Project Closeout KUCR-AMS
ISB/GL Facility ManagerLaurie Whitelauriewhite@ku.edu785-864-0354
ISB/GL keys; ISB/GL conference room reservations; ISB/GL building issues & communications; USPS Mail & mailboxes in ISB/GLISB/GL Facility ManagerKUCR
ISB/GL StoreroomDonnie Scottdscott@ku.edu785-864-7451 785-864-3488Deliveries/shipping for FedEx, UPS, etc.; Alcohol (Ethanol); Dry ice; Cylinders; chemical inventoryISB/GL StorekeeperChemistry
MRB Facility ManagerAnn Smithannsmith@ku.edu785-864-7271MRB keys; MRB conference room reservations; building issues & communications; USPS Mail, FedEx, UPS, etc. & mailboxes in MRBMRB Facility ManagerKUCR
Human ResourcesSusan Phillipssusan.phillips@ku.edu785-864-3117Hiring Post-Docs, Faculty, Administrative Staff and Research Staff;
Onboarding; Appointment Maintenance 
HR Recruitment CoordinatorStrong Hall SSC
Human ResourcesEmily Fauveremily.fauver@ku.edu785-864-9677 HR Pay issues (Time & Leave); Hiring student hourliesHR Recruitment SpecialistStrong Hall SSC
Visa issues- Contact International Support Services iss@ku.edu785-864-3617F-1, J-1 Visa support; Applying for a Visa; Travel questions Emergency After Hours Phone: 785-380-8937  
Ralph N. Adams Institute
for Bioanalytical Chemistry
Cady Bushcbush@ku.edu785-864-2342Supports Prof. Susan Lunte & Adams InstituteProgram ManagerChemistry