Undergraduate Degrees (BS, BA & Minor)

Undergraduate Degree Options in Chemistry
The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, a rigorous program certified by the American Chemical Society, consists of a full spectrum of chemistry courses as well as supporting courses in mathematics and physics, and is designed to prepare students for a professional career in chemistry.
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degreewith a major in chemistry is designed for the student who desires to obtain knowledge of the fundamental principles of chemistry and at the same time wishes to obtain substantial knowledge of a number of other fields of learning.
A Minor in Chemistryallows students outside the department to obtain a strong, distributed background in the discipline.

Undergraduate Research
The KU Chemistry Department has a long and successful history of promoting undergraduate research. You can begin working in the research lab as early as your first year at KU.

Undergraduate Resources
Need help finding a tutor? Want to apply for a scholarship?
Our Undergraduate Resources web page is one-stop shop with important resources for our undergraduate students at the University of Kansas Department of Chemistry.
Need a research poster printed?
KU Chemistry offers poster printing for any of our faculty, students and staff who have a grant-funded research poster to print. Be sure to talk with your research advisor before submitting the request to obtain the funding number to pay for the poster.