Sutton Family Research Impact Award

Purpose:  To publicize the outstanding research of our faculty and incentivize productivity.


  1. Every month there will be a competition among peer-reviewed papers published by chemistry faculty.
  2. Non-journal contributions (conference proceedings, etc.) and book chapters are not eligible.  Review articles are covered by the “Cross Professional Service Award”. 
  3. For a paper to be eligible for the “Sutton Family Research Impact Award”:
    1.  A chemistry faculty member must be the corresponding author on the paper. 
    2. The paper must include at least one other KU author (student, postdoc, or another KU faculty member) or be a sole authorship paper.
    3. The official publication date (hard copy version in Journal) must fall within the prescribed month or prior two months.  This three-month pool of contributions will be considered to help ensure that extremely noteworthy papers that happen to appear in the same month, can still be considered for recognition. 
    4. A PDF version of the paper must be deposited in the designated departmental dropbox prior to the end of the following month (month after publication).  Email reminders will be sent monthly.
  4. The winning paper will be selected by the Department Chair in consultation with the Associate Chairs, and based on the quality of the paper (journal, etc.), impact (popular press or external coverage), and other supporting factors (cover art, editor’s note, etc.). 
  5. The corresponding author of the winning paper will be asked to provide a brief, 3 to 4 sentence summary of the paper and its impact to be posted on the Department website.

Award:   Winners of the Sutton Family Research Impact Award will:

1.  Receive a cash prize of $500, presented to the corresponding author of the winning paper. 

2.  Have their work featured on the departmental website and advertised on our social media outlets.

Support:  This program will be supported through the Sutton Family Faculty Development Fund.