Departmental Graduate Scholarships and Awards

Through the generosity of private donors, the Department of Chemistry is able to provide several scholarships and awards each year to graduate students for outstanding scholastic achievements. An annual Chemistry Department Awards Presentation and Honors Reception is held at the end of the spring semester. A representative list of the various scholarships and awards which are presented at this event are listed below.

For a full list of graduate scholarship and award recipients, please visit our "Graduate Student Awards and Scholarships Page." 

The Frank B. Dains Award

Award given to an outstanding first-year graduate teaching assistant.

The H. P. Cady Award

Award given to a first-year graduate student for excellent performance.

The Ray Q. Brewster Award

Award given to an advanced graduate teaching assistant.

The Snyder Award

Award given to a graduate student of considerable promise.

The J. K. Lee Award in Analytical Chemistry

Award given for superior academic performance and research accomplishments by an advanced doctoral student.

Kuwana Graduate Opportunity Fund

Awards to graduate students pursuing studies in Analytical Chemistry with a preference given to those who are associated with the Adams Institute. 

The Ernest and Marvel Griswold Award in Inorganic Chemistry

Awarded to an outstanding advanced graduate student in inorganic chemistry.

The Frank B. Dains Award in Organic Chemistry

Award given for superior academic performance and research accomplishments by an advanced doctoral student.

The Paul and Helen Gilles Award in Physical Chemistry

Award given for superior academic performance and research accomplishments by an advanced doctoral student.

The Higuchi Doctoral Progress Award

Award given to a superior, post-comprehensive graduate student in his or her final year.

The Adrienne Hiscox Mitchell Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to an outstanding female graduate student).

The Ralph E. and Esther Weik Badgley Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to an outstanding woman graduate student based on achievement or need.

The Thomas A. Milne Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to a woman graduate student earning a Ph.D. in Chemistry for subsequent careers in teaching or research.

The Charles and Beatrice Kulier Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to a graduate students in chemistry.

This is a new scholarship!

The Reynold T. Iwamoto Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to a graduate student in chemistry; award based on academic performance.

The Kenneth L. and Gertrude Irene Marsi Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to a graduate student(s) based on both merit and need.

McCollum Research Scholarship

Research scholarship awarded to outstanding advanced graduate students.

Lagat The Takeru & Aya Higuchi Physical Chemistry Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to a deserving graduate student in physical chemistry.