Downloading and Installing ChemBioOffice (ChemDraw for Macintosh)
Personal Workstations KU Students, Faculty and Staff
- You may download a personal copy of ChemBioOffice from the CambridgeSoft Licensing Website and filling out the registration form using your KU provided email address. If you do not have a Perkin Elmer account, then you will have to create one before completing the next steps.
- You will receive an email at your registered address asking you to provide a password to complete the registration process. The link in the email is valid for 3 hours: after this time elapses you will need to request a new email.
- Once you have set a password you can log in and download ChemOffice, ChemDraw and/or Mnova ChemDraw Edition.
- You will be asked to activate the software before installing. Fill in the form with your name, your registered KU email address and the activation code found by clicking the “Order History” link on the left of the page and then the “Site License Update” link. The activation code works for both Windows and Mac platforms.
Departmental Workstations
A current version of the software is provided on most lab machines and has been installed on most managed windows machines. If you are having licensing problems or if your version seems to be out of date contact the Physics and Chemistry TSC,