CHEM 498 Undergraduate Research. 1-2 Hours N.

CHEM 498 Undergraduate Research - Course Syllabus

A research course for Chemistry majors, consisting of experimental or theoretical work in chemistry or a closely related field. A final report must be submitted to the instructor at the end of the semester. This course may be taken up to 7 times for a maximum of 7 credit hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 201, or CHEM 201 concurrently, or documentation of appropriate laboratory safety training. IND.

CHEM 498 does not satisfy any KU Core requirements, or the Capstone requirement. If you need to enroll in undergraduate research to satisfy your Capstone requirement, the appropriate course is CHEM 698 which requires departmental approval. You would also need to start making plans with your intended mentor well in advance of requesting enrollment. The Capstone requirement can alternatively be satisfied through CHEM 699 (Undergraduate Honors Research) for students pursuing Chemistry Department Honors, or CHEM 636 (Instrumental Methods of Analysis Laboratory).

Credit Hours per Semester-

1-2. Experience has shown that undergraduate research produces better educational outcomes if the experience is spread out over several semesters. Thus, the maximum number of credit hours of CHEM 498 that you may enroll in during a given semester is 2. Students wishing to enroll in 3 credit hours of CHEM 498 in a given semester need to have prior agreement of their research mentor, and must submit a joint petition to the Undergraduate Affairs Committee outlining the rationale. If the petition is granted, the student will be permitted to enroll in two sections of CHEM 498.

Safety Training-

Research in a chemistry laboratory involves some amount of risk. You are expected to conduct research in a manner that minimizes risks to yourself and others. Violations of safety requirements may lead to the suspension or termination of your research project.

Permission to enroll in CHEM 498 requires completion, or documentation of prior completion, of several on-line EHS safety training courses (see end of syllabus or more information). You will also need to successfully complete CHEM 201 (Laboratory Safety in the Chemical Sciences), preferably prior to beginning research or during your initial semester. If that is not possible, you must enroll in CHEM 201 the next time it is available (usually fall semester). Each research lab also has its own specialized safety training requirements that you will need to complete prior to commencing your project.

Selecting a research mentor-

Prior to enrolling in CHEM 498 you need to identify a faculty member who agrees to serve as your research mentor. All Chemistry research faculty are eligible to serve as mentors. You are also welcome to select a mentor in another department, but the research project must have a chemistry emphasis and be approved by the Undergraduate Affairs Committee. Example departments include Molecular Biosciences, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Computational Biology.

Enrollment Approval-

You will need to complete and sign a CHEM 498 Enrollment Permission Form, which includes acknowledgment that you have identified a research mentor and that they are aware of your intent to enroll. If your request is approved, the Undergraduate Affairs administrator will issue a permission number allowing you to enroll under your mentor’s CHEM 498 line number.

Student Outcomes-

Written Report. A written report outlining your research accomplishments must be submitted to your mentor at the end of each semester. The format of these reports is up to the discretion of the research mentor.

Research Data and Intellectual Property-

At the conclusion of the project you will be required to deposit all original records with your advisor. You will be entitled to retain copies of records.

Outcomes of research belong jointly to all researchers and advisors involved in the project.

Intellectual property arising from research belongs to the all researchers involved and the University of Kansas.

Decisions about how and when research findings may be disseminated (e.g. presentations and publications) are at the discretion of the research advisor.

You may be required to maintain some aspects of the research as confidential.

Important Points of Contact:

  • Lindsey Roe (Chemistry Department Undergraduate Affairs Administrator) Email: Phone: 785.864.4160 - Enrollment permission
  • Nathan Swank (Chemistry Department Academic Advisor) Appointments can be made by phone (785.864.2834) or through JayhawkGPS - General advising
  • David R. Benson (Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs) Email: Phone: 785.864.4090 - Advising, problem resolution, petitions

Course Grading-

Your letter grade each semester will be determined with the assistance of a rubric (draft version appears on page 5).

Disability Accommodations- 

The Student Access Center (SAC) coordinates accommodations and services for all KU students who are eligible. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted the SAC, please do so as soon as possible. Their office is located in 22 Strong Hall; their phone number is 785-864-4064 (V/TTY). Information about their services can be found at You should also plan to meet privately with your research mentor to discuss your specific needs in their laboratory and student spaces.

Academic Misconduct-

Cheating and all other forms of academic misconduct, or the appearance thereof, including plagiarism (passing off someone else’s ideas or words as your own), falsifying or otherwise misrepresenting research data, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with University regulations (see

Concealed Carry-

Individuals who choose to carry concealed handguns are solely responsible to do so in a safe and secure manner in strict conformity with state and federal laws and KU weapons policy. Safety measures outlined in the KU weapons policy specify that a concealed handgun:

  • Must be under the constant control of the carrier.
  • Must be out of view, concealed either on the body of the carrier, or backpack, purse, or bag that remains under the carrier’s custody and control.
  • Must be in a holster that covers the trigger area and secures any external hammer in an un-cocked position
  • Must have the safety on, and have no round in the chamber. 

This course takes place in spaces that will require students to leave belongings such as backpacks and purses away and unattended for the duration of class time. Students who choose to carry a concealed handgun in a purse, backpack, or bag must review and plan each day accordingly, and are responsible for making alternate arrangements as necessary. The university does not provide appropriate secured storage for concealed handguns.

Individuals who violate the KU weapons policy may be asked to leave campus with the weapon and may face disciplinary action under the appropriate university code of conduct.

To access the EHS Chemical Safety training courses:

1. Go to the Environment, Health and Safety Online Safety Training Web page. Scroll down to the section titled "KU-EHS Blackboard Course Self-Enrollment Instructions." Follow the prompts. Select the ID Number "EHS002 in Table 1."

2. The following list of required courses will show:

  • EHS Hazard Awareness
  • Walking and Working Surfaces
  • Waste Management 101
  • Lab Safety 101
  • Lab Personal Protective Equipment 101
  • Preventing Contamination
  • Safety Showers and Eyewash Stations
  • Fire Safety and Extinguishers (includes hands-on component)
  • Chemical Fume Hood

After you have finished all of the modules, bundle the completion certificates into a single pdf or zip file, and submit through Canvas or by email to Lindsey Roe (